Face Search Accuracy

Understanding what makes our face search powerful and accurate

Advanced Search Approach

Our face search uses multiple scan points and unique matching algorithms to ensure high accuracy. The search quality depends on the uploaded photo and its match to our database images.

Deep face pattern analysis for consistent matching
Multi-point facial scanning for detailed comparison
Angle and lighting compensation for better results

Database Coverage

Our database combines both breadth and depth, allowing for more comprehensive search results. Each engine accesses different data sources for maximum coverage.

Wide range of sources for better match chances
Regular updates to maintain fresh data
Multiple profile versions for better matches

Get the Best Results

Photo Quality

Upload clear, front-facing photos without filters for best matching accuracy.

Engine Selection

Choose the right engine based on where you expect to find matches.

Search Scope

Use multiple searches with different photos of the same face to improve results.


Recent photos typically provide better matches than older ones.